As you think about the world we live in, what would you change about it? Take a minute and really give that thought.
What problems frustrate you? What needs do you see unmet? Do you have compassion and perhaps even love for the people who’s needs aren’t being served? If so, you’re on the right track.
Entrepreneurship is a How. How would you make the world different? Perhaps you are passionate about the climate, and you’d drive us (pun) away from gasoline toward electric transportation. That might lead you to start a car company, or just as much it might lead you to start a battery company, an electric grid company, a solar company, a charging station company, and many others. Perhaps you’d like the world to use less meat for ethical or emissions reasons, which might lead you to start a plant-based meat alternative company or a better way to grow cattle to produce less emissions.
What is it about the world you’d like to change? This is your Why. You’ll need it for the long road ahead. Entrepreneurship is a grind, and it comes with many ups and downs. Your Why in your back pocket is sometimes all you have left.
Here is a Steve Jobs video for inspiration.